Students engaged in the marble run construction competition
Students engaged in a math competition
Seminar GenAI by prof. Burridge

In late 2017 the TEACH group, which stands for Teaching Engineering Avant-garde Challenge Host, was created to analyse the ongoing teaching experience at the Politecnico di Torino. The related research field is the so-called “Engineering Education”, a multi-disciplinary worldly spread field in which engineering considers all the implications of engineering in education, from kindergarten to lifelong learning.

Current research topics are:

The TEACH research group proposes some final reports for bachelor students in the field of Engineering Education related to Gamification, Spatial Ability, and Gender Gap in Engineering. For more information, contact us.



Seminar: Multi-faceted Influences of Generative AI in Education

On Tuesday, July 2nd, at 11:00 AM, in Aula Buzano - DISMA, Professor Josh Burridge from the Teaching and Learning Lab, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Melbourne, Australia, delivered a seminar titled "Multi-faceted Influences of Generative AI in Education."


Paper presentation "Determinants and Academic Performance: The Role of Prerequisites in University Achievement"

This morning, at the International SIRD Conference at the Università degli Studi di Salerno, Maria Giulia Ballatore presented the paper "Determinants and Academic Performance: The Role of Prerequisites in University Achievement," which I co-authored with prof.ssa Anita Tabacco.