
CIAO! - Corso Interattivo di Accompagnamento Online

CIAO needs to be considered a prerequisite for the first course in Mathematics for all the first-year students. The material presented is, hopefully, known and well assimilated by students.

In addition to the standard material (video recordings and pdf files) available in the "Materiale" section in both Italian and English, this year, there is an Interactive Online Course available from  September 20th. This new option is currently only available in Italian... but mathematics is a universal language! Students can review and practice directly on the Moodle platform called Exercise through 5 topics (Polynomials, Elementary functions, Equations and inequalities, Exponentials and logarithms, Trigonometry).

Finally, on September 24th, students are invited to participate in a Virtual Escape Room that will test their knowledge by allowing them to "enter" the Politecnico and take a seat in the classroom. Those who manage to complete the task by the end of the day (midnight on 24/09/2021) will participate in the final draw of 20 "smart notebooks".

Those who want to increase the chances of winning must train on the Exercise platform by earning points that correspond to tickets valid for the final draw.

Published on: 20/09/2021